Monday, November 4, 2013

La mia famiglia!

Thursday, October 17th:

It all started very early on Thursday morning, when they got to the airport at around 8, and came to my apartment at 10. I didn't have class this day, so even though everyone was tired from traveling, my family and Ali, her mom, and Ron went out for a quick lunch at a really great restaurant that was the perfect first meal in Rome for our families. Then, me and the family walked around Trastevere and I showed them Santa Maria Piazza and some other little shops. After, we hopped in the rental car and drove straight to Naples, where we staying for the night and then driving to Positano on the Amalfi Coast. 

Ali's mom, Ali, Me, and mom

After we got to Naples, we checked into our hotel and went into the actual to eat THE BEST PIZZA IN LIFE EVER. The place did not even look like an amazing pizza place from the outside, but it was so good. 

Friday, October 18th:

After waking up late at the hotel, we left Naples, got a little lost because there was road work and no signs, which is SO ITALY, and started 
driving along the Amalfi Coast to Positano where 
we were staying.

We saw tons of beautiful views among the way:

Not really sure where we stopped and took these pictures, but I know that the mountain in the background is actually Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii where the volcano erupted!


After driving for a while, we got to Positano and walked up about 116 steps, me and dad counted one day, with all of our luggage to our AMAZING hotel called Conca D'oro. It overlooked all of Positano. Once again, pictures will do it justice. 

We just explored for the rest of this day, and we checked out the town that had a really cool beach (with a lot of sea glass) and a bunch of cute shops and restaurants. We ate at a place that was right on the water , and I had a fresh fish that they had          to cut up right in front of me! The sun was going down too, and it was so cool to see the sunset over the beach. Then we ate some ice cream pop things, which were really good, and walked around the little town more and called it a night!

Saturday, October 19th:
Since mom and dad have never seen Capri, we took a boat from Positano to Capri in the morning to spend the day there. The boat ride there was super fun and once we got off the first boat we walked around the town for a little bit and then got back on another boat to tour the WHOLE island. I explained to everyone that we needed to do the boat tour cause Matt only wanted to hike on the actual island. BUT we went on the boat and it was amazing! I could not believe that I got to see the whole island again. However, this time me, mom, and Matt went into the Blue Grotto, which was cool and dark, but a total tourist trap. It was actually crazy when we were entering into the Grotto because we crashed into another little boat. Scary stuff. Later on in the day, we went back to Positano and shopped around a little more and ate some seafood on a cliff.

Sunday, October 20th:
This was our last day in Southern Italy, and we had to trek back to Rome so I could take my midterm for my Theology class. After I studied at breakfast, we left Positano and drove to the actual city of Amalfi, which was super crowded, so we couldn't really get out of the car and look around. Instead, we ended up in a small city where we stopped and I collected a bunch of sea-glass and everyone else sat by the water. We also saw a bride and a groom, which was pretty cool! After leaving this small city, we continued on and finally got back to Rome late at night. I had to study so we grabbed dinner quickly at Dar Poeta where we again ate the Nutella calzone. BEST.THING.IN.ROME

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