Thursday, November 7, 2013

2nd week of family

Monday, October 21st:
Everyone was still in Rome this day, but I had to take my New Testament mid-term at school, so Matt replaced me as  tour guide. My family went around Rome and revisited some of the sites that we had seen when Matt studied abroad. Then, we met up at night, but I again had to study for my Culture of Food and Wine midterm the next day, so I was a little stressed out.

Tuesday, October 22nd:
After taking my second midterm, I was finally free!! Everyone met me at my apartment and we headed off to Tuscany for a night to wine taste and see the Northern part of Italy. After driving up to Montepulicano, we arrived at the farm house where we were staying, which was so quaint and cool. Mom LOVED it. We couldn't see much of the grounds because it was dark, so we drove into the Medieval town, ate some food (sub-par) in a deserted restaurant and went to bed fairly early for our next day of activities.

Wednesday, October 23rd:
When we woke up, we found ourselves in the awesome farm house with rolling hills everywhere and an enormous amount of grape vines! It was so cool to finally see the farm in the day, and it did not disappoint. We ate breakfast at the farm, where we were the only guests, and had the FRESHEST meats ever (they were from the pigs on the farm, sorry guys) and really good homemade jams from the fruit trees all around the farm. Then, one of the owners, showed us all around the grounds, and we saw pigs, the vineyards, the wine production factory, and the big villa where the owners live. We ended this tour with a wine-tasting with the wine that the vineyard produces. After staying around for a little while, we headed back into Montepulciano and ate the best lunch ever of the town's speciality noodles, and went into every little shop. The town was way more empty than it was when I went there for wine-tasting in September, but it was still fun experiencing it. When we were totally shopped-out, we drove back to Rome, where I had to say goodbye  after grabbing pizza with everyone, Ali and Emmy. It was sad leaving my family after the awesome week we had all across Italy, but I realized that I only had 50 days left in Italy, so I will see them in no time at all!

Thursday, October 24th:
RECOVERY DAY! I had no classes this day, so I slept for a while, and then did some homework that I missed from the previous day. Cannot remember what else happened during the day, but at night ROBINSON CANO was at the local bar with Venesha, so I went and met him! It was so crazy to meet a celebrity in real life, because I have never met any celebrities before! That was pretty cool, I guess. Unreal.

Friday, October 25th:
My New Testament class had a site visit today, and we visited Saint Peter's! It was really cool to go inside the church because I had not been inside yet on while I have been in Rome (I know, I suck). Anyway, we had to wait in the super long line for hours, which was kind of a buzz-kill, but when we finally got to go inside it was worth it. Then, at night, I met up with my friend, Brent, and we had a PLL marathon and got super creeped out by the show.

Saturday, October 26th/ Sunday, October 27th:
Nothing memorable happened these days, I guess, because I cannot remember anything. LOLZ

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