Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Andiamo a Venezia!

This Halloween was celebrated much differently than the usual dressing up & trick or treating (yes, I still have gone trick or treating when i'm grown up). Not only did I not go trick or treating, but I traveled to Venice! Here are some highlights!

Thursday, October 31st:

Ali, Danielle, and I got up early on Thursday (after Ali and I went to see an opera with our school the night before) and left for the train station. The train was a high-speed train and we arrived in Venice in only 3 hours! When we stepped out of the train station we were right on the water. It was so different than anything I have seen before, just because the water is literally right next to you the whole time you are in the city. After Danielle went to find her parents, Ali and I ate at a rather touristy restaurant where the food was not good at all. Nothing at all like Rome. Then, we walked around and around at looked at mask shops and glass shops (the only shops in Venice) and went on a gondola ride. The gondola ride was super amazing and it was everything like what you see on T.V. Next, we went up on a tower where you could see all of Venice! At night, we went to dinner, which was better than lunch, but not by much. I had seafood, which was really fresh! Then, we called it an early night & went back to our hotel.

Friday, November 1st:

After sleeping in and getting our beauty rest, Ali and I had another chill day. We wandered around Venice and took in more of the sights. We even sat next to a little canal and just watched some boats for a while. When we got hungry, we ate a bunch of sweets, like an awesome pistachio cookie dipped in chocolate and a less than impressive fudge/alcohol piece of chocolate, and went back to shopping around.

 I bought a really cute mask, and then we called it a day and headed back to Rome. Overall, Venice was a beautiful city, but definitely a little smelly, expensive, and very touristy. However, of course it was a fun experience!

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