Monday, October 28, 2013

Papa, Papa!

Wednesday, October 16th:

For my Theology class on this Wednesday, we got
 tickets for the papal audience!
My roomies and I got up so early and walked to St. Peter's in the semi-drizzle of rain. We got seats on the barricades because that is where the "Pope Mobile" passes and we waited for hours for Pope Francesco to arrive! There were a bunch of super cute kids in front of us and everyone was generally happy, which was nice to see. Then at 10:30, the Pope came out and greeted the audience and rode around on his little cart in the audience. He came close to us and it was so surreal that the POPE was so close to us. Although I didn't get the best pictures or get THAT close to him, the other Providence College students gave him a zucchetto ( a little pope hat) with a note inside that he read and it was all over the news! Then, the Pope read an address to the people and he mentioned that Providence College was in attendance. It was a really cool experience!

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