Monday, October 28, 2013

Papa, Papa!

Wednesday, October 16th:

For my Theology class on this Wednesday, we got
 tickets for the papal audience!
My roomies and I got up so early and walked to St. Peter's in the semi-drizzle of rain. We got seats on the barricades because that is where the "Pope Mobile" passes and we waited for hours for Pope Francesco to arrive! There were a bunch of super cute kids in front of us and everyone was generally happy, which was nice to see. Then at 10:30, the Pope came out and greeted the audience and rode around on his little cart in the audience. He came close to us and it was so surreal that the POPE was so close to us. Although I didn't get the best pictures or get THAT close to him, the other Providence College students gave him a zucchetto ( a little pope hat) with a note inside that he read and it was all over the news! Then, the Pope read an address to the people and he mentioned that Providence College was in attendance. It was a really cool experience!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let’s talk about Paris

Paris was amazing. The end.

Just kidding, of course I will elaborate! 

So, Ali, Emmy and I left Rome at 6 pm. on Thursday for the Roman airport. Ali and I were super pumped because it was our first time out of Italy since we got here in August! We arrived to the airport smoothly and got onto the plane after eating some bomb pizza and a whole sleeve of Italian cookies. Sidenote: Italian airport food is better than America’s REAL food, so I’m just screwed when I go back to the States.
We landed safely in Paris  at around midnight and found our hostel in Paris!
Another sidenote: I am not a hostel person. Call me spoiled or whatever but im not down for sharing bathrooms and rooms with people you don’t even know.
However, we met up with SHLEBY! WOOP! And met her roommates, who knew HASHIM FROM CALIFORNIA> CRAZY SHIT

We got up super early to meet our travel group, that is WSA( weekend student adventures) ((Rick Steve’s son runs it)) (((Rick Steves writes very famous travel guides))) and we were on our way after the hotel breakfast of great French bread and some cereal. Our tour guide, Kevi, was really cool, and took us first to the hipster section of town. It was called the sacre coeur- I think- and we went to a really nice church that looks over the whole city. Then, we went to Notre Dame- which was by far the coolest church I have ever seen. It was such a contrast to the Ancient style churches in Rome because it is Gothic architecture and has really cool stained glass windows! Next, we walked and walked to the Latin quarter, where all the students hang out, and Emmy and I bought BERETS. Hell yeah, I am in love with mine. Finally, after walking all day, we ate lunch at 4. We ate little sandwiches with ham, cheese, and salad and a plain sugar crepe- not the best crepe I had. To burn off our lunch, we walked around

more and went to the Eiffel Tower! I could not believe how huge it was! Ali, Shelby, Emmy, and our new friends, Abby and Elizabeth and I took so many pictures and ran all around the grounds! Then, although I was not even hungry, we went to our nice dinner, where we ate bread with goat cheese,  escargot, salmon and potatoes, and chocolate cake! It was such a cute little French restaurant and such a great experience. Then, we went back to the Tower and took some more pics, but this time from the top! We skipped the line because we were with the tour group and we saw it sparkle! We ended our night back at the hostel and met up with Emmy’s friend in the student part of town at a bar! It was cool and we got great nutella and banana crepes for a midnight snack.

Again, we got up early and we made our way to the Lourve. It was the biggest museum ever and it had so many nice pieces of work in it…. Including the MONA LISA. It was  surreal seeing her actual face, but I totally thought it would have been bigger. Also, right before we saw her, I asked Kevi if there was anything by Da Vinci, and then he just stopped and goes um. The mona lisa? How could I forget?! To end our tour, Ali, Emmy and I walked around the Napolean Apartments, and saw the crown jewels! So pretty. Wish I had money to buy that bow diamond. Hmm. What did we do next? We had some free time for lunch and we ate a Croque Madame- with an egg on top- and then ate macarons at Laduree- a great macaron place that is famous. I got chocolate, coconut, chocolate and coconut, lemon, coffee, and pistachio. I cannot even choose a favorite, but if I did, I would choose pistachio. Or the coconut one. Or the chocolate one. Or all of them. 

We hurried back to our hostel to meet our group and go on a bike tour of the city. I was so excited to go bike riding it was ridiculous. We bought gloves, some water, and a Kit-kat bar, put on our green safety vests, and headed out to ride! It was so fun! We saw the Effiel Tower, a bridge, the river and a lot of sights. I have never laughed so hard riding a bike. Then, we made our way to our boat cruise on the Siene- which was amazing too! It was freezing on the boat, but I had a blast talking to Ali, Shelby, Emmy, Abby and Elizabeth over the grossest wine ever. We saw even more of the sites and then rode back to drop off our bikes, and went home. We ended the night somewhat early at 1:30, because we had to wake up at 4 the next morning to catch  our plane.

My alarm woke me up at 4 and it sucked waking up and leaving Paris. The trip was too short! We made our way to Rome safely though!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Vatican Trip

Tuesday, October 8th

The most exciting day this school week was visiting the Vatican Museum with my Art History class. Although it was pouring rain, we had a great time. Here are some highlights:

We started out by seeing some paintings by Rafael. The colors were so bright that I could not believe they were painted around the 1600's. Pictures will do them justice.

Everything was just so detailed, as you can tell!  And the colors were that bright in the dark light! Crazy stuff.

Okay, I lied. Wednesday was the most exciting day of the week. We went out to dinner with Ali's grandma and her great aunt to Taverna Trilussa, which I have been dying to go back to! It was amazing, just like last time! I had ravioli mimosa, and a nutella /cream/ cookie/ cake thing for dessert, which was literally one of the best things I have eaten here!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Already October!

I cannot believe that it is already OCTOBER! Also, I just realized that all my blog posts begin with me saying "I cannot believe how much time is going by, how is this time going by so fast, etc, etc," so I'm  sorry. It's just the way I feel. Obviously, you can tell.

So, last time I wrote was last Saturday! Nothing happened on Sunday that I can remember!

Monday, September 30th:
This day I think was pretty basic. Hahaha, the fact that a day in ROME is now "basic" is unreal. I went to class, gave an oral presentation, blah blah.

Tuesday, OCTOBER 1st:
WHOA. This day was pretty kewl. My art history class and I went to a church 2 minutes away from my house called Santa Maria in Trastevere. I had already been there, but it was cool because there was a huge conference for peace taking place inside; it was packed! Then, we walked to another church in Trastevere called Santa Cecilia in Trastevere. This was a smaller church that not a lot of people know about and it was really beautiful! There was even a convent there, so a nun gave us a special tour of some frescoes in a hidden room. HOWEVER, when I tried to take a picture, the nun yelled at me. A NUN IN ROME YELLED AT ME. It was pretty horrible. I recovered though and my roomies and I went out to dinner later at the restaurant right behind our house. It was really good, and since it was so close we will def. being going back.

Wednesday, October 2nd:
GREAT DAY AGAIN. With my Theology class we went to a church called Santa Maria Maggiore, and we got a VIP tour. It started off with going on the loggia (porch) of the church where I touched the mosaics, but then our guide took us into these back rooms. In the back rooms there were all these old robes of previous popes, a staircase made by Bernini, and a part of Paul's Letters! But it didn't stop there! The guide took us on the roof! You could see all of ROME, and it was so cool!
Santa Maria Maggiore

Staircase by Bernini

Pope's robes, so fashionable
On top of the Church

Thursday, October 3rd:
SHELBY ARRIVED TODAY! She got in at around 1, and I took her to Prati to show her our school and to walk around with Ali! Then, we went to DAR POETA again, and I could honestly live there for the rest of my life. That nutella calzone is too good.

Friday, October 4th:
We woke up today and were on our way! We first went to the Panethon and went inside, which I have already been in, but it was still cool! Then, we went to the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum, which was really great!  It's always great to see all the sights again! 
  Saturday, October 5th:
I had the most fun this day! We first went to the Castle- which is Castel San'Angelo that I pass on my way to school every single day. It was an old place that the popes used to live in/ hide from enemies (I think). Then, we went to the Spanish Steps and shopped on Via Del Corso- the fancy street in Rome. For dinner we ate at the place right behind our house and I got pasta with artichokes and tuna, which was delicious, of course. I finished dinner with a tartufo- one of my favorite desserts- which is chocolate and vanilla ice cream covered with dark chocolate. So good. 


This bird knows what a good view is

Pasta with tuna
Tartufo. stop.

Where I walk everyday for school UNREAL

Sunday, October 6th:
In the early morning, Shelby left :( Then, like a typical Sunday, Ali and I did homework all day and went grocery shopping.