Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Too busy to post!

As you can see from the time stamp on my blog, I haven't written a post for 10 days. And boy did those 10 days fly by. I honestly do not know where the time goes these days. My one roommate told me today that we have been in Italy for 23 days. WHAT?!? Anyway, I will tell you everything that I have done these past days!

Monday, September 9:
I cannot really remember what I did this day, and no one else in the apartment can. Lucky I am writing a blog then, right? I think it went like this: went to class, came home, slept.

Tuesday, September 10:

This day was Ali's 20th birthday! Michelle, Emmy, and I decorated her room with balloons & streamers, and then Caroline and I hung toilet paper all around her room! I think we made it really special for her! For my art history class, we visited the Colosseum, which was AMAZING! I have already been there before, but it was super cool looking at how old it was. Then, for my food and wine class, I went to 2 different markets to study food. Pretty sweet life. One was "Eataly" the famous one in New York, and I had the MOST DELICIOUS TIRAMISU CAKE POP THING. I LITERALLY CRIED AT HOW GOOD THIS WAS. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT MOMENT IN MY LIFE.  Later, we went to out to dinner at La Carbonara, supposedly the place where they first made the dish and had pasta carbonara, which was pretty good, especially since I hate bacon! Then, we ate cookies we got at an amazing cookie factory in town for Ali's bday!

Roomies @ Colosseum 

Trajan's Column (@rtsy)

1st Food Market

Eataly Sweets... bye..

Wednesday, September 11:
This day for class I went to the Roman Forum! I loved it! Again, it is so cool to imagine yourself in the Ancient Roman times chilling in the Forum. Then, I ran back to my other 2 classes at school, which were Marketing and Italian, which were okay!

Thursday, September 12:
I have no classes on Thurdays, so this day was relaxing! Couldn't tell you much else!

Friday, September 13:
BEST WEEKEND SO, SO FAR. So, my school includes some free trips, and this weekend they took us to Sorrento, Pompeii Naples, and Capri. We left on 8:00 AM on Friday- I don't know how I woke up- and drove to Pompeii! Pompeii was so cool too. It was so much fun to see how the ancient world worked and to look inside the homes of the people. However, we did see 3 dead bodies, and that was too creepy for me. After Pompeii we drove to Sorrento, which is on the coast, and stayed there overnight. We ate dinner with the school in the hotel, which kinda sucked, and then found our way to gelato, which was great!
@ Pompeii

ALI and ME!


Sorrento View

Saturday, September 14:
We woke up early this day & ate breakfast with the school, which once again was not the best, but hey, it was free. Then, we took a ferry to the island of Capri, and it looked like a picture out of a magazine. There were boats, people, and shops everywhere along the bright blue water and the rocky beach. We went on a boat ride and toured the whole island, which was gorgeous. We even jumped in the salty water! Later, Ali, Emmy, and I ate the best seafood pasta ( I had risotto) ever right next to the water. We had some time left to chill, so we went back to the beach and I collected sea glass! Then, sadly, we had to say our goodbyes, and we took a ferry to Naples. It was on this ferry that I got a black eye! I was sleeping next to the window and as the boat went over a wave, I slammed my head into the window/concrete/plastic wall. Only this would happen to me, LOLZ.

Sunday, September 15:
After we got back from our trip, we were all tired, so this day was another chill day. It was rainy, but Ali, Emmy and I went out to and American breakfast. Note: Italian's "American" breakfast is a salad, bread, and eggs. It was weird, but good.

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