Sunday, September 8, 2013

So much to say, so little time!

Hello again!
It has def. been a while since I last wrote, as I really don't even have time for anything any more! I feel like I am always on the run! Here are some highlights:

Wednesday, September 4:
My theology class took a "site visit" to the Colosseum and a church next to it called San Clemente. We ended up just seeing the whole of the church, and never even venturing near to the Colosseum. But, the church was really cool, because it was built on top of another old church, so it had all different layers of history. Later, my whole group went on this famous pizza and gelato crawl, where we went to 2 different pizza places and has 6 slices of GREAT pizza, and then had 3 different flavors of gelato. SO.good. And to be honest, I wasn't even full afterwards.
San Clemente Church
The underground church at San Clemente

Thursday, September 5:
I don't have any classes on Thursdays, so this day was so fun! Michelle, my one roommate, has a cousin who lived in Rome and she was visiting, so I went out with them to eat lunch. I had a spinach panini and then we walked around near the Spanish steps. At night, we hung out with a bunch of our friends and went into our neighborhood! 
                                             Me on a Vespa, that I would love to own
Friday, September 6:
Since there are no classes for everyone on Fridays, me and all my roommates tried to find the international bookstore to get our books. We ended up doing a FULL tour of Rome, but we could not find the specific store anywhere. But, screw the books cause we saw everything! We walked up the Spanish steps, toured Villa Borghese, saw the Trevi Fountain, and ended it with pizza on our way home. Later in the night, we ate a huge dinner in our neighborhood, and I ate amazing salmon. (Although, it did have a lot of bones in it and I was pissed)
Piazza Spagna

Saturday, September 7:
Yesterday was another great, chill day. We decided to have a picnic at the Trevi Fountain, and we bought cheese, grapes, bread, crackers, salumi, and prosciutto to eat. It was crowded, but still a really, really cool experience. Then, we went to the Colosseum at night and took a bunch of cool pictures with it because it was not crowded at all!
Trevi Fountain @ night!

Me and Ali at the Colosseum 

Which already leads me to today- I went running along the river this morning with Michelle, and have done some homework! Pretty boring!

Ill write again soon!

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