Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Prima Settimana di Scuola!

Hello again people of earth!
This week my fairytale bubble of living it up in Roma popped, as I started to "study" abroad. Ugh, homework, tests, and papers are not particularly high on my wish list of things to do. HOWEVER, studying abroad is way different than regular school because my classes are basically B.S. Not really, but I am taking THE CULTURE OF FOOD & WINE IN ITALY (!!!), Art history, Italian, International Marketing, and Theology. Since I have now had all of my classes, I can def. say that the culture of food and wine class is super DOPE. We just go around to different markets, buy food, and then a chef just makes food for us. every.week.omg.omg.i. cannot. deal. The other classes are cool too, especially since the art history and theology classes are on site (KANYE WEST ON SIGHT). 
 Anyway, today, Tuesday September 3 was filled with great food:
I ate an amazing mini cannoli that was a Euro. Great investment.

Also, this happened..
Nutella Pizza. Nuff' Said. Now, I have just finished my homework, and I am finally getting a chance to relax. Tomorrow, my Theology class is going to the Colosseum, the Arch of Constantine, and a church named San Clemente, so I must rest up!
 Buona sera!

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