Monday, September 2, 2013


Hello again my family & friends/ me for my own personal record!
So here are some updates (I literally cannot even remember what I did on these days, so I am asking my roommates) ((this is also the reason I am writing the blog))

Friday, August 30th:
Me and Ali went to our school, CEA, in Prati, the neighborhood next to where we are living, and  met with our whole Providence crew. Then, we went to an awesome gelato place, and ate pizza, which was super great! At night, we explored the city and went to this AMAZING Great Gatsby Party. It was put on by a group of people called Rome's Ultimate Party, and they snapped tons of pics of my roommates and I. It legit felt like we were celebs & we danced the night away. They even posted them on their "
official" facebook page, so take a look:

Saturday, August 31:
All my roommates and I slept in very late this day. Then, a bunch of us went on a sight-seeing tour of the city with a group called WSA and ate a 15 Euro 5 course dinner with free wine and everything!After I stuffed myself with bread, we went to an Irish bar, which was filled with Americans. Everyone there was super nice and we ended up meeting some guys from Ireland, who were interesting to talk to!
Sunday, September 1:
Sunday Funday! Just kidding- this day was pretty much devoted to cleaning my room & doing homework for my theology class. Later in the day, Ali and I went out to an American place to eat because we just needed something other than the monotonous pasta, pizza, and panini. I ended up getting a veggie burger, which definitely hit the spot! I went to bed rather early in hopes of being well rested for il primo giorno di scuola on Monday!

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