Sunday, September 22, 2013

Almost a Month

In just 4 days, it will be exactly a month that I have been in Italy. WHERE IS THIS TIME GOING. PLEASE SLOW DOWN. THX. Anyway, per usual, I will update you with some things I did this past week, since it seems that I never have time to blog daily, or even 2 times a week!

Tuesday, September 17th:
Since my Art History and Food and Wine class meets on Tuesdays, it seems like these days are quickly becoming my fave. This time, we went to an awesome Museum called Museo Nazionale Romano, that had a bunch of famous statues in it. It was really fun looking at different artifacts from Rome that I had never seen before! Then, half of my class and I booked it back to school for our Food and Wine class. This was the ABSOLUTE BEST class I have ever been in. This little Italian lady, named Claudia, came in and cooked us two different pasta meals, one was little ears with broccoli, and one was with bacon, and we tasted 2 white wines. Why can't all my college credit courses be like that?

Bow in a fresco, S'CUTE

Wednesday, September 18th:
MATT'S BDAY! My Theology class was cancelled this day, so I didn't get to travel to any cool places. Instead, my whole program had to sit through this a long lecture about social norms, which was very boring and not fun. :(

Thursday, September 19th:
This was a great day! Emmy, Michelle, and I went exploring everywhere. First, we went to the Santa Maria Church in Trastevere, which was beautiful with golden mosaics and marble columns. Then, we went into the Museo of Trastevere, which was a more modern museum in Rome, so it was a nice switch up from all the Ancient times. Then, we found this cool lookout spot in Trastevere where you can see all of Rome, and it was breathtaking. At this same lookout spot there was a lighthouse that was built there the same day in 1911, so that a cool find! Anddd finally drum roll pleaseee.... Ali, Emmy, and I went to DAR POETA FOR DINNER. THIS WAS THE BEST FOOD EVER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. We got pizza and then the famous Nutella calzone for dessert. I couldn't stand it. That Nutella is too good. And after the Nutella calzone, I got gelato. So sick afterwards, but so worth it.
Santa Maria in Trastevere 
Santa Maria

Lookout Spot called Gianicolo Hill

description says "September 19"- exact day we were there


Friday, September 20th:

Saturday, September 21st:
Wine tasting in Tuscany & Montepulciano! This day was super fun because me and all of my roommates went wine tasting with Bus2Alps, a tour company around Europe. First, we went to this old prison, which is now used for making wine, and ate cheese and bread, and drank some red wine. It was literally the best wine ever. Then, Ali, Emmy and I went and ate at an amazing place in town for lunch, which had views overlooking Tuscany. Very pretty. After lunch, we drove a little further to a VINEYARD, which was dope. They gave us more red wine, which was even better than the previous wines, and let us roam the actual vineyard. And of course, being the rebel that I am, I stole a grape and ate it. It was delicious, but it did have a seed in it, so I wasn't that impressed. Soon after, I fled the scene and we drove back to Rome.
p.s- on the way home, I had to go to the bathroom so badly, that I had to stop the whole bus; it was lol worthy

Wine Tasting

Piazza Grande- Montepulciano
View @ lunch


More wine!


Ya girl

Sunday, September 22nd:
Again, I woke up early this day and Ali, Emmy, and Venesha went on a tour to the President's house with our school. However, this was a HOAX. The President's house was freaking closed, and the whole tour had to be relocated to the Trajan Markets, which was the first shopping mall ever. It was cool, but I just wanted to see the President so...

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