Saturday, September 28, 2013

Exploding from Laughter

One of my friends told me this week that I am always laughing. I could not agree more with that sentiment. So, before I recap my week, let me tell a quick story of how I almost died laughing yesterday.

Friday, September 27th:
We went wine harvesting with my program and it was so much fun! We picked the grapes from the vines and then learned all about how the wines were made and fermented. After working in the fields, we had a HUGE lunch with 3 courses at a secluded Bed and Breakfast in the middle of the Italian countryside. Anyway, back to the laughing story. Before we arrived at the vineyard, we made a pitstop at a gas station to go to the bathroom and eat "breakfast" (a little pastry). While we were there, Ali went to the bathroom and this Asian boy walked in on her. If this had happened to anyone else, I don't know how funny it would have been, but Ali killed me with her reaction. I am actually laughing now. However, this funny experience did not stop at the walk in. After the WHOLE day was over, the boy sat right in front of us on the bus home and kept turning around and looking at Ali. Suddenly, he began to speak. He told Ali he was really sorry for walking in on her and blamed it on some old guy. I cannot describe how funny this was. 1. WHY WOULD YOU BRING IT UP? 2. Ali's face was priceless 3. The boy would not stop talking and kept rambling
So, of course I started laughing. I had my head smashed up against the window trying to hold it together, but I couldn't stop. Then, I was laughing so hard I was crying. It was a scene. I am so happy I am writing this down, because I will always remember how hard I laughed that one day at the vineyard.

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