Saturday, September 28, 2013

Another Week


Monday, September 23rd:
This day was an ordinary Monday filled with classes and homework. I kind of had a lot of homework to do this day because my Art History teacher switched my oral presentation to the following day the day before! Literally, I found out I had to present on a topic I knew nothing about less than 24 hours before I had to present! Later in the night, we went out to dinner with Venesha's friends and got pizza, which was, of course, great.

Tuesday, September 24th:
With my Art History class I went back to the San Clemente Church and then to another church called Santi Quattro Coronati, where I had to give my presentation about Constantine and Christianity. It went okay, I guess. It was this little chapel where a nun had to let you in after you rang a doorbell, that had well-perserved frescoes inside. S'COOL. Then, my Food and Wine class was cancelled, because we were going to the vineyard on Friday!
Donation of Constantine- a.k.a My Presntation
ALMOST FORGOT THAT TODAY WAS THE DAY THAT ME AND MY ROOMMATES SAW PENN BADGLEY AND ZOE KRAVITZ, DAUGHTER OF LENNY KRAVITZ IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Venesha saw them first in the 'hood and came back all casual. I jumped off the couch (I was taking a nap) with the drool still on my face and said we were going to find them. Lesson learned. Being positive really changes your life! Everyone was like "ohh, we aren't going to find them, they are gone, etc, etc" but I  said we were going to find them. AND WE DID. AND THEY WALKED INTO THE SAME SHOP AS US. AND PENN SAID EXCUSE ME AND TOUCHED US.

Wednesday, September 25th:
Cannot really remember much of this school day, expect after school a bunch of us took a trip to find Mexican food. It took at least 30 minutes to find, but we ate at this amazing Mexican restaurant that is very hard to find in Rome. I had a burrito with chicken and guacamole and a beef taco, which were both very good and a good change from the pasta, pizza, and panini that we always eat here.

Thursday, September 26th:
I did some homework this day, and then cooked myself chicken with spinach and tomatoes, which was surprisingly good! Also, Emmy and I went on a run by the river!

Friday, September 27th:
WINE HARVESTING! See the below post for more about that. Once we came back from the trip, a bunch of us went to this really great restaurant called Tony's that gave us free tiramisu! I had ravioli with truffles, which was so.freaking.amazing.

Saturday, September 28th:
Haven't done much today! Trying to do some h.w, but of course I am blogging instead!

I'll write again soon!

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