Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Czech it

Thursday, November 28th:
After recovering quickly from Barcelona for only 3 days, Ali, Danielle, Emmy and I (and a huge group of us from the program) traveled to Prague! We arrived in Prague in the afternoon and we immediately saw how beautiful and different the city is. Unlike the Western European countries, Prague looked cleaner, less like an industrial city and more like a fairytale. We spent the rest of day seeing some random sites and had our Thanksgiving meal at a great Mexican place. Also, I had a pumpkin spice latte, which was my first and last of the season- SO GOOD. AMERICA.

Friday, November 29th:
This day was solely devoted to sightseeing! The whole group of us travelled in a pack and saw the astronomical clock, Charles Bridge, the Lennon Wall, and Castle of Prague. The Lennon Wall was by far my favorite because of the intense, bright colors and we took a long time to take perfect pictures with it. Along the way, we ate at a not so great restaurant, but ate great little street food, like a sugared bread and shopped a little bit. Don't really remember what else happened this night!

Saturday, November 30th:
CHRISTMAS MARKETS! Since Friday was super busy and we pretty much saw everything, Saturday was our day to chill & explore. We first started off by shopping in some malls, and then went to the Christmas Markets, which were in the town square. The markets were super festive and there were a bunch of ornaments that were being sold which I bought! The tree-lighting ceremony was being held this night, but we couldn't really see anything from our spot in the square. Then, we were exhausted, so we decided to see the new Hunger Games movie, which was literally the best movie ever. I am so amazed that I saw an English movie in Prague!

Sunday, December 1st:
We headed back to Rome early this morning for our finals to begin- Hence, why I am writing such a short post!