Friday, August 30, 2013

Benvenuti a Roma

I have thought long and hard about starting a blog, but now I feel like it is time to bite the bullet. So, shall we begin?
To recap my 4 days that I have already been here, I will just tell you the main highlights of what I can remember and for my own personal reference.
Monday, August 26th:
My flight took off from JFK and I met my friend Ali on the plane, which was awesome & comforting while flying over the Atlantic. We got here safely and landed on Tuesday, which leads me to...
Tuesday, August 27th:
The CEA main program advisor picked me and Ali, and a bunch of PC kids, up at the airport and we drove  to our apartment, which is in the BEST part of town called Trastevere. It is where all the college kids hang and there are cafes and restaurants upon cafes and restaurants. I am living with 6 other girls, who are all outgoing and amazing and we met when we first arrived on Tuesday. Then, we went out to our first roomie dinner, which was great and I ate an avocado salad and a plain pizza (with no cheese to choke on, cool huh?) and some sweet white wine!
Our Apartment

Wednesday, August 28th:
This day was strictly just orientation activities, in a cool modern hotel near our school. The b-fast was only croissants and some strong coffee, which was kind of disappointing since I was starving! Then we ate a great lunch at the hotel and learned more about our program. We ended the day by shopping in the neighborhood near our school called Prati and went out to a dinner which was not as good as our first dinner.
Thursday, August 29th:
BEST DAY SO FAR! We went on a walking tour and some other orientation stuff which is too boring to describe in detail here. Then, we went to a cute open air market where I will def. be stopping by for fruits in the morning! We ended the night by  hanging out with all of our new friends (yes, I have new friends, IM NOT DRAKE.) We ended the night at the river right by our house. SUPER FUN!
Us playing zoo- note my starfish. highlight of the game

Gelato flavors SO FAR:
Coconut and Strracciatella- SO GOOD like cookies and cream with cake batter
Duplo( Hazelnut)  and Coffee
Peaches and Cream!

A Domani!